A week of firsts....
Our First Parent/Teacher Conference for Austin this week and Austin's FIRST Sleepover at a friends house! Let's see, the parent teach conference did not exactly go as I expected. While there was mention of "fidgety", "anxious" and "frustrated" they were always followed by "but, I have a class full of children like this and they are only five years old". I guess my optimism of having a supportive teacher our first year in public school when I met her this summer was naive. During our first meeting she mentioned things like " I know exactly what you're going through...", "I have a daughter with SPD....", "Let me know about the testing and we'll get moving on an IEP as soon as we know something.."... Well... now we're in a "Austin's a typical kindergartener" type of conversation. HE IS NOT TYPICAL! HE HAS SPD! I manuvered my way through the 20 minute conversation with a lot of ...