The perfect gift...
I have to be honest I have not had a minute to write these last few weeks. We've had a whirl wind of activities, illnesses and all around craziness!! Why not, it is the Holiday's after all the one time of year I wish we could kick back and relax and enjoy each other, instead it always seems to be the time of year for complete chaos. While I am completely on top of my shopping and my wrapping for the first time in FOREVER, I am still struggling with getting Austin the the one thing I wish I could give him, the perfectly balanced life experiences. The perfect gift this Christmas would be nothing more than the ability to provide my son with an environment that met every single one of his needs. I recognize we're a long long way off from this. as a matter of fact, this week we have moved into a Disposable Clothing stage in our house. YEP --- disposable clothing you read that correctly! We are in oral over load and every day our shirt is torn to shreds from the s...